The number of vehicles coming to Rivington has increased substantially over the last few years. On a nice sunny day Horrobin and Sheephouse Lanes, despite their small size, are used as car parks from start to finish, effectively reducing them to small single lanes. They soon get blocked, as does Rivington Lane, gridlock ensues, drivers get angry, fights happen, police are called.

However, come midnight it’s completely the opposite. The roar of cars (often without silencers) racing along country lanes at ridiculous speed goes on early into the morning, alongside the screeching tyres from doughnuts being made in local car parks.

If the current situation continues it is inevitable that lives will be lost, both on the road and also for someone waiting for the emergency services to get to them. The Parish Council consider this problem their top priority, and have created partnerships with United Utilities, Police, Councillors, and local businesses to identify an acceptable solution and find the resource to fund it.

Traffic Congestion Log

(commenced March 2024)

**Note this is not an inclusive list it is just the occasions when I have been made aware of and able to make a record, hence this is only an example of the problems encountered by residents and emergency services. The problems are far more regular than this list details.**

Date Weather Comments Photo
Saturday 250125 First Sunny day in ages A lovely day brought lots of cars to Rivington. Parked on both sides of Horrobin Lane the inevitable gridlock occurred. Police were called and blocked the end of Horrobin Lane with their blue flashing lights for a considerable time. The only other viable access to the village down Rivington Lane was also extremely busy with cars parked on the verges near Lower Barn making it difficult for residents (or any potential emergency vehicles) to get through. Saturday 250125 - Traffic Log
Saturday 270724 7pm Nice day Chorley Police attended a road traffic collision on Sheephouse Lane between the junctions of Rivington Lane and Deanshead Lane at around 7pm. The road was closed as a result. Saturday 270724 7pm - Traffic Log
Thursday 250724 Midday OK, dull A local resident noticed yet another example of dangerous parking around Lower Barn. He sent the note below to Grayway Coaches and also provided them with a reminder of rule 243 of the Highway Code which states :- you must not park or stop your vehicle: Opposite or within 10 meters (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorized parking space. This vehicle is parked dangerously and illegally on top of a junction, at a crossroads and blocking visibility, at a busy footpath across the road . I asked the driver if he could not find anywhere safer and better to park ? He said no he’s driven around and it was full and just wasn’t interested , as he sat in a passenger seat chilling . There was parking at the top near the house and top barn and I told him this? but he still didn’t move the coach . Either way this does not allow him to park on top of a very busy junction and cause a blind spot and dangerous situation . The local council are looking at road safety in this area and whilst there are no yellow lines, it’s still illegal to park a vehicle , especially one that size on top of a junction or too close to one . Perhaps you remind him of the Highway Code and point out he’s not a great advert for you company, with the names plastered all over the side . The local councils and police have been copied into this email and if I see this ever again I will call the Police as this “jobsworth” of a driver needs to up his standards . Thursday 250724 Midday - Traffic Log
Friday 190724 6pm First Sunny day in ages The first glimpse of the sun in ages on Friday 19th July and inevitably Horrobin Lane gets gridlocked again - and it wasn't even at the weekend. A local resident was stuck on Horrobin for the best part of an hour trying to return home from work and took this photo from their car. A local business had customers arriving late for their Fine Dining which has a potentially serious impact for them ongoing. Rivington residents and businesses are suffering again from the lack of action from local and county councils to resolve our dreadful traffic problems. Friday 190724 6pm - Traffic Log
Sunday 160624 2pm Sunny spells, light showers The photo shows gridlock on Sheephouse Lane this afternoon. We attend services at Rivington Chapel and cannot come along the causeway from Adlington because of traffic blocking the road to go to the brewery and coming all the way round through Horwich near the lower barn it is an accident waiting to happen. The traffic problem is now out of control. Sunday 160624 2pm - Traffic Log
Sunday 020624 7pm OK Two cars collide head on on Sheephouse Lane on the corner by the Tea Rooms. Excess speed suspected going around the blind corner on what is basically a single lane gap. Police and Ambulance on scene.
Sunday 050524 2:15pm Nice day From the Lay Preacher at Rivington Chapel. Our services are at 2:15pm and one of our congregation arrived 20 minutes late after being held up 40 minutes on Horrobin Lane. She was also shaken and distressed at the violence and mayhem from road rage that she witnessed. Our Chapel Keeper was likewise 15minutes late. We had visitors with us, interested in a wedding blessing in June and this is not a great look for our village. We now have life-long Chapel goers who are put off attending because of the dire traffic and parking situation. As an integral part of the community since 1662, our very survival is threatened.
Sunday 210424 1pm Overcast not raining The Lay Preacher for Rivington Chapel took these photos on his way to a service in Rivington Chapel. It took him ages to get across Horrobin Lane due to parked cars effectively making Horrobin Lane a single carriageway, with cars forced to mount the pavement to continue their journey. Traffic backed up through the village. Sunday 210424 1pm - Traffic Log
Saturday 300324 4pm Nice day Gridlock on Horrobin Lane both directions, nobody backing down. Cars driving/stationary on the only pavement. Cars having to do 3 point turn and return down Rivington Lane. However Rivington Lane is also closed at Lever Park Avenue because of a race. Further backlog with cars diverted down Dryfield Lane in both directions which due to parked cars is reduced for large parts to 1 lane. The effect is that residents in Rivington are effectively blocked from getting out, or emergency vehicles coming in. There is no way a vehicle such as a Fire Engine could have got through Dryfield Lane. Nobody advised residents that Lever Park Avenue would be closed. With the current traffic situation this is a potentially life threatening situation for residents in an emergency situation.
Sunday 240324 3pm Overcast, sunny spells, light showers Cars parked along Horrobin Lane on narrow pavement next to entrance to Rivi Tap Room. Unable to use pavement with pushchair/wheelchair. Horrobin Lane effectively reduced to 1 lane with traffic queuing in both directions.
Sunday 030324 Nice day Gridlock on Horrobin Lane, fighting Sunday 030324 - Traffic Log
Saturday 020324 Nice day Gridlock on Horrobin Lane, fighting, police called Saturday 020324 - Traffic Log